Isaiah 63: Who is this that Cometh from Edom

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Lecture given by Henry Clifford Kinley

Springfield, Ohio (1974)

DR. KINLEY: [Couple of Statements Inaudible] . . . I wanted [to] call your attention to some things this morning about the simplicity of this teaching and the reality of it, and the colossal stupidity and ignorance of the people on the earth plane. Now the honest truth about it, you don't have no excuse for your ignorance. Now you may think that you do, but you're just simply wrong. You may think that I don't know what I'm talking about, but I do. You might say, Well, I heard others speak and they say this and they say that and they say the other. Yes, anybody can read the Bible. Just anybody can read a Bible, but in and everybody can understand it. The Bible was written by Divine inspiration, and that's what it takes to understand it and it's reality. For example, you yourself, you're made in the likeness and image of Elohim. The word Elohim, see is translated God in your Bible. You're made in His likeness and in His image. Now listen close. Yahweh made everything that He made in this universe including you, animal, vegatable, and everything else, to abolish your excuse for ignorance. I would like for you to read just what I just said which we call our theme song. Now I'm gonna see where you're gonna read.

AUDIENCE: [Laughter]

READER: Because that which may be known of . . .

DR. KINLEY: Now where are you reading?

STUDENTS: Romans 1:19-20.

DR. KINLEY: See, now Romans 1:19-20. Now listen! See this, to know . . . Now Yahweh made it possible for you to know. That's the reason why He's not gonna accept no excuse! See cause it ain't gone do you no good to go up there and say Well if I had known you were coming, I'd of baked a cake. Now none of that [inaudible]. And it don't make no difference what color you are, how old you are, how far in school you went -- whatever your excuses or alibis are, He's not going to accept it. And then another thing too about that. Now I want you to pay 'tention to what I'm talking about, see, and hear them. And before I get down I'll tell you some things that possibly will surprise you. Now, for that which may be known of Yahweh . . .

READER: For that which may be known of Yahweh . . .

DR. KINLEY: Now listen it's possible to know. If you wasn't so stubborn, and I wasn't so stupid, see it possible to us to know. But you have to do what He said do -- which the devil is not going to do. Now He had to make Himself, and you, an opponent and an adversary -- He had to do the job Himself. And when Dr. Ophelia was talking about Daniel, The devil was wiser than Daniel. Do you know that? If you wanna read it, I'll read it in the Book. See, you say Daniel was a prophet and prophesied by the Holy Spirit. That's right. Then I heard them read there in Isaiah about Yahshua the Messiah, see, and how He looked. He was not a comely man. In other words, He was not a good looking man, see, and nothing to be desired in the flesh. People didn't pay no attention to Him, they overlooked Him, see. They didn't know Him when they saw Him. They didn't realize then, and they don't realize now that He was Yahweh manifested in the flesh! But it is possible to know.

Now I remember, I think it was Friday, and Dr. Heath brought (Dr. Larry Heath) brought a man down to Beaver Lake and I was sitting down there fishing. And the man said, (he worked with Larry down there, you see), and he said he wanted to know. So I told him . . . (he said he'd been in this, that and the other and all, you see. [Inaudible] And Dr. Heath had told him to come down to school. He asked me what kind of a suggestion did I have to give him, and he wanted me to sat there and tell him all about God, see (you see), and I'm fishing!

AUDIENCE: [Laughter]

DR. KINLEY: I said, Well now listen if you want to know something about Yahweh, you come to school. Now that's the place to come to learn. And he tried to convince me, you know, that he did wanna know. I said, Well now listen here buster if you wanna know and you have come to me to ask me what to do, then you do what I say! So you come to school! Now if you don't wanna come to school, then you don't wanna know you're just lying to me! Ain't that what I told him?

DR. HEALTH: That's right!

DR. KINLEY: See, you see people just think they'll fool you upon anything; see, and they think you're stupid, but that's not true. But now for which may be known of Yahweh, Yahweh Elohim has showed it (not just talked about it) but He showed it to them. Now that means that somebody here had a vision. Right?


DR. KINLEY: All right read on.

READER: . . . cause that which may be known of Yahweh is manifest in them . . .

DR. KINLEY: Um, hum.

READER: . . . for Yahweh has shown it unto them . . .

DR. KINLEY: Because Yahweh has showed it, see not just told them about it. Everybody reads the Bible, chapter and verse too, see. And they say Let me prove this and that and the other to you -- such and such a thing, and read such and such a place. See? You follow? Now anybody can read the Bible. You don't have to come down here to read no Bible. You can read the Bible at home or sattin' out under a shade tree some place. See, you don't have to come down here to read no Bible, but you do have to come down here to learn something about it. Now that Book was sealed with seven seals. Did you know that? And it wasn't any in heaven and any in earth, see, that was able to open the Book nor loose the seals, not even to look upon it as for that matter. And there was but just one that's found worthy to open the Book and to loose the seals and that's Him that we're reading about and talking about, Yahshua the Messiah.

Now then listen here, I wanna tell you something else about that too, that Christendom or the people of today, they haven't even learned about this of yet! That this Yahshua the Messiah was down in Egypt with Moses, they haven't learned that. They think that His first appearance was when He come through the loins of the Virgin Mary, see, not so. He was down there with Moses, see. And He brought the children of Israel up out of the land of Egypt. Now that's some news. Now people would say right away, Christendom would say right away, Now he don't know what he's talking about. See, because they don't know better.

Now we have always taught this. To the Law (that's the Mosaic writings, the first five books of the Bible), and to the Testimony (that's the prophets, from Joshua on to Malachi), now if they don't speak according to this word . . . What's their problem?

AUDIENCE: No light in them.

DR. KINLEY: No understanding there, see. Now if we say that . . . Now listen, Daniel, or John said there on the Isle of Patmos that His two witnesses would prophesy 40 and 2 months, (3 and 1/2 years in prophetic time) or 40 and two months. And then that 40 and 2 months will amount to in prophetic time 1260 years. Am I almost right? Now since that be the case, now we'll have to take each one to witness the other. Now here's what I mean so you won't get lost. See, we have to take this Law and then this Testimony, it takes one to confirm the other one, see. You have, you have to put 'em together because they're His two witnesses. Now I'm not talking about the so-called Jehovah's Witness. Now then, if that be the case . . . Now we did a whole lot of talking about Joshua being down here in Egypt and coming up out of there. And one of my reasons for telling you is, you see, now Yahweh who was incarnated in Joshua, (He's called Yah - shua -- Yah - ho - shua). The meaning of that is "Yah is Salvation". Yah - ho - shua was down there with Moses. Now right away you put me on the carpet and said, No, you're mistaken about that. Now He come to fulfill! And you say He wasn't back there with Moses, then would you be so kind as to explain this to me? How in the world he got up here, with the same Yahshua here, in the transfiguration and Moses here and then John there? Would you explain that to me? Would you be that kind? It took that to fulfill it. You see? Now here's one might call him a greaaaat preacher, he knows all about everything, see leads big multitude, and they don't even know that. Now ain't that bad?

Now we said that He was back there with Moses, then we have to find something in the Bible back there in the Mosaic writings. Isn't that right? Then if the prophets, see, which is the Testimony, then we have to find something in the prophets to say that He was back there. You see what I mean? Now that's what i was doing when I came in here this morning, see. Now I have got him checking it, a maps, so that we could find that map. And many times we've read the 63rd chapter of Isaiah, and said this: Who is this that cometh from Edom with dyed garments from Bozrah traveling in the greatness of His strength? Wherefore art thou red in thine apparel and thy garments like unto the one that treadeth the winefat alone, and [inaudible] to come down. And the answer came back, said I that speaketh in righteousness, mighty to save, and with my own arm brought salvation down. Now get this. And there was none with me to help. See there wan't anybody with Adam back there to help to bring the whole thing down. And there wasn't none with him to help him bring salvation. You follow me? Now you'll find Edom in the geographical map, see, you will find it . . . Now like this was the River Jordan that come down . . . And incidentally while I'm speaking of that, most of you don't even know how that this river come down this way. I'll have to explain it, see. The reason why the river comes down this way was . . . see it didn't run across this way like this. The river come down this way. [Doc is showing an illustration.] And now this Edom and then Bozrah -- (get the records and that's where you'll find 'em). In other words, Bozrah is just called the Capitol of Edom, see. And when you come right up out of the land of Egypt, then yes, that's what Isaiah is looking, and I also want you to get this straight!