God the Archetype

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"God -- The Archetype (Original) Pattern of the Universe"

By Henry Clifford Kinley, D.D., Ph.D.

Founder and Dean of the Institute of Divine Metaphysical Research, Inc.

Circa 1961


When Paul, who was called to be an Apostle of Jesus Christ by the Will of God, received his Divine Revelation while on his way to Damascus to persecute the Christians, he wrote of his experience thusly: "And I knew such a man, (whether in the body, or out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) How that he was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter" (2 Cor. 12:3-4). Paul was completely floored by the stupendous nature of the Divine Revelation which he received and found it difficult to relate to others either by word of mouth or by writing just what he saw, and was caused to understand. Of Paul's writings, the Apostle Peter states in his own epistles that many of the things that Paul wrote were hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction (2 Pet. 3:16).

So it is that when I received my Divine Revelation in 1931, I immediately recognized the difficult task that confronted me as pertaining to the conveying of my thoughts to others. Many times, I have attempted to put this colossal and revolutionary divine concept on paper, and it is only now that I have finally succeeded in expressing myself in writing. I must admit and acknowledge, however, that I have been tremendously aided in the writing of this work by a limited number of condescending individuals, whose efforts I feel I must acknowledge and to whom I am deeply grateful.

Dr. Carl F. Gross, my constant companion in this work for the past 28 years has assisted me tremendously in the compilation of data and in theological research as well, and also by his often expressed constructive criticism of my explanations, which at times had become too profound. He is responsible for some of the simplicity of expressions made in this discourse, and many of the pictures. His efforts were tireless and unceasing and I doff my hat to him for a job well done.

Dr. Robert Harris, M.D., a graduate of Meharry Medical College in 1944, with internship at Harlem Hospital, New York; and residency in New York Cancer Institute, and eleven years of private practice in Cincinnati, Ohio, became intrigued and attracted to this work in 1957. He has added a tremendous punch to the barrage of knock-out blows that this work deals to the devil, by his correlations of the physical anatomy and physiology to things of the Spirit. His work is an entirely new concept against which there can be no arguments. In Dr. Harris' own testimony he states that he has learned far more of the functions of the physical anatomy of man, in relationship to God than he or any other Medical Doctor could have learned through the regular procedure of schooling since becoming a member of the Institute. He further states that through the teachings of the Institute, things have been revealed to him about the physical body that man has wondered about and searched for since the foundation of the world. Consequently, his contribution is a witness to the truth of this revolutionary and True Gospel of Christ and will open the eyes of the Medical profession. I sincerely appreciate and acknowledge Dr. Harris' work and assistance.

Another of my colleagues, Mary Gross, has performed a yeoman's job of typing, retyping, assembling, and aiding in the getting of this discourse to the stage of publishing. I often felt sorry for her because of the long, tedious hours that she labored to complete a certain portion of this work, only to find that because of an omission of some sort, she had to do it all over again, and again. With rare patience, she somehow perserved, however, and stuck right with the job to it's completion. She is certainly deserving of all the thanks that I can give her.

Others who assisted in getting this work to the stage of completion are Fred Allen Jr., who aided with the drawings and performed a thousand and one other tasks; Marion E. Harris, who assisted with the typing re-arranging and composition, and my fellow co-workers in the Faith who for the want of a better name call themselves members of the Institute of Divine Metaphysics, all of whom have lent me great moral support.

This acknowledgement would not be complete without mentioning Shirley Smith and Josephine Bailey, who have helped in the aiding and painting of the many pictures on our charts, and also in the many phases of the writing, they have put forth a tireless effort and have my deepest gratitude.

I sincerely appreciate the efforts of everyone who helped in any way in expounding and assembling this material and getting this great Truth written, so that it might help others to see God in His True Light, and in His True Reality.


This book, entitled "God the Archetype (original) Pattern of The Universe," is written and composed of the volumes entitled, "God The Archetype Pattern Of The Universe", "The Mystery Of God, The Mystery Of Iniquity, and The Mark Of The Beast", "The Mission Of John The Baptist and Jesus, The Messiah", and "Whose Builder and Maker Is God." It is the first and probably the last manuscript that I will write in my life time, as pertaining to God and to His Ultimate Purpose, which has functioned down through the past and the present Dispensations and Ages.

The sum total of these written volumes, expresses my true understanding of the Holy Bible in reference to Jesus Christ, the true "SON OF GOD", and Satan, or the Anti-Christ, the true "SON OF PERDITION". Yet, this understanding is not of my own, for in the year 1931, I, Henry C. Kinley, was caused to behold a great Panoramic Vision, and on the same day I also in turn received the Divine Revelation of Spiritual meaning of the Vision. It is this Panoramic Vision and Revelation of the Divine Pattern of the Universe, given to me by the Lord God, which I have expounded upon, through charts and writings to my associates which in turn has qualified them to detect, identify, and to prove the existence of God, the Mystery of Iniquity, and the Mark of the Beast.

This great and powerfully psychological experience revealed God to me for the first time in my life; revealed Him as He really exists as the ONE and ONLY UNIVERSAL SPIRIT and ARCHETYPAL PATTERN OF THE UNIVERSE. In presenting and explaining this stupendous "Vision and Revelation" to you, the reader, I presume that YOU are honest, sincere, and earnest in your extensive and intensified search for the TRUE GOD OF THE UNIVERSE. I further assume, that you, like millions of other human beings in every walk of life throughout the World, truly want to KNOW GOD as He really "IS", or as He actually "EXISTS". Our only purpose in writing this book is to try to help YOU find and know GOD for YOUR OWN PERSONAL SATISFACTION and CONSOLATION.

Although, my purpose, as expressed above, is to help every person who reads this book to LEARN OF THE TRUTH and FIND and KNOW GOD, I cannot definitely guarantee that in every case I will succeed in my effort. The ONLY possibility of this becoming a truly accomplished realization in your life as it is in mine and a comparatively few others, lies solely within your own ability and power to accept attested TRUTH and SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN FACTS. I shall present pure, unadulterated TRUTH and FACTS to you as they really are for your careful INVESTIGATION and CONSIDERATION.

It is quite apparent that you probably will note many statements herein which you shall feel are entirely out of harmony with the general theological conceptions, displaying the semblance of cold-blooded or sacreligious attitudes. This is not true. Did it ever occur to you that we remain ignorant of attested TRUTH and SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN FACTS, most particularly because we fail to make a PERSONAL, detailed INVESTIGATION of important matters? This failure to investigate positively retards the progress of our understanding and knowledge in every vocation and phase of life, both physical and spiritual. Sometimes stopping and thinking for a moment over the essential things of life eliminates many regretted years of poverty, sickness, humiliation, embarrassment and sometimes, death and destruction. Therefore, we should learn to pause and TRY TO THINK INTELLIGENTLY before we finally conclude affirmatively or negatively. We should do this before an ultimatum or final decision is rendered on any secular subject. The majority of us are, to some extent, guilty of this negligence.

In the foregoing paragraphs it was not my intention to impart the idea that I, in my "human intellect," have become infinite in wisdom and infallible in judgement, or that I have already attained that state of absolute perfection in every technical detail. However, I am only trying to attract your attention and to elevate your mind so that I can impart to you the TRUE UNDERSTANDING of the VISION which I received by Divine Revelation. In view of this, the pictorial illustrations and explanations of the VISION herein set forth are not to be regarded as that of my own concept or speculation. I firmly believe that the Almighty God-given, spiritual KNOWLEDGE and UNDERSTANDING of this great Panoramic Vision and Divine Revelation was originally intended for YOU as much as it was for ME. Therefore, to the very best of my ability I am attempting to pass it on to you exactly as I received it.

You should be cautioned that I refuse to make diplomatic apologies for stating the TRUTH and FACTS as God has revealed them to me and as I honestly believe they will permanently remain. Neither do I practice using diplomacy in presenting the TRUTH and FACTS as they were revealed to me, and as I understand them to be. My method is to hue to the line and "let the chips fall where they may." In other words, it is my task and duty to carefully place the TRUTH and FACTS squarely before the reader and it is up to them to make the final DECISIONS. The reader is also requested to bear in mind that this book is difficult to elucidate, which therefore, requires that every instruction be closely regarded in detail.

The REVELATION of the ARCHETYPAL PATTERN OF THE UNIVERSE embraces the EXISTENCE OF GOD, HIS "UNIVERSAL SPIRIT LAW" and "ETERNAL PURPOSE" through the "DISPENSATIONS and AGES." Comparatively speaking, this is a new divine, philosophical, psychological, scientific, spiritual, scriptural and revolutionary "interpretation" of the Holy Bible. It is supported by a definite DIVINE PATTERN or PLAN, descriptively stipulated in the Holy Bible itself (see Ex. 25:4O). This interpretation is discreetly confirmed in every detailed manner by the UNIVERSAL CREATION of God, both VISIBLE and INVISIBLE (see Rom. 1:19-20). Moreover, I firmly BELIEVE, that this Vision and REVELATION is to be regarded as one of the greatest and most astounding of PANORAMIC VISIONS and REVELATIONS ever given to mankind since the CREATION of the material or stellar counter-parts of the UNIVERSE.

To the very best of our artistic ability, we have drawn pictorial illustrative charts of the Great Panoramic Vision, showing the "Divine Pattern" and Spirit Law, embodied therein, and tried hard to explain it's true meaning to philosophers, scientists and religious teachers. No man, Roman Catholic, Protestant, or Teachers of Philosophy and other scientific and cosmic phases of nature, who have heard and understood the explanation of the "Pattern" and the Universal Spirit Law and it's operation by the illustrative charts, has ever been able to refute the accuracy and infallibility of it's "Teachings."

A profound Knowledge of this Divine Panoramic Vision, operating through the Dispensations and Ages, by the Universal Spirit Law, abolishes all superstitions, ignorance, and carnal ordinances, traditions, atheism, agnosticism, skepticism and investigates the unexplained so-called Law of nature (which in reality is Universal Spirit Law), the powers latent in man, and teaches man to have implicit faith in God and worship Him in "Spirit and in Truth" (see John 4:24), as God had originally intended according to His Eternal Purpose (see Eph. 1:9-12).

It may seem to you that this is the long way around, but in reality it is the short way, when you STOP and consider that God, in His New Covenant, has promised to put His Law in Our Heart and Write it in our Mind and cause us to "Know Him" and walk in His Way—that is, deliver us from the Ignorance of Sin and Preserve us for Immortal Glorification (see Jer. 31:31-34). "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls: For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light" (Matt. 11:28-29, 30). It is of this Revelation that you shall now read in the succeeding pages. Volume 1, God-The Archetype (original) Pattern of the Universe.

Basic Psychological Preparation

If you are to draw from this course some of the "TRUTH" herein contained, then it is absolutely necessary and essential that YOU get away from everyone. BE ALONE and QUIET. The great fundamental principles of "TRUTH" are almost invariably "REVEALED" after we have withdrawn to some quiet and secluded place where we are not disturbed. Having done this, try to DISMISS everything else from your mind and give me your undivided ATTENTION. This will enable you to concentrate on these explanations, study more studiously, think deeply, and better UNDERSTAND the VITAL ISSUES and CARDINAL VIRTUES scripturallys and scientifically discussed herein. REMEMBER -- YOU ARE TRYING TO FIND and KNOW GOD AS HE ACTUALLY "EXISTS" or AS HE REALLY IS -- for YOUR OWN CONSOLATION and SATISFACTION.

Basic Philosophical and Scientific Preparation

This DIVINE REVELATION illustrated and explained herein called the great "PANORAMIC VISION", embraces the existence of an Eternal God, His Universal "SPIRIT LAW" and "PURPOSE" through the Dispensations and Ages. Comparatively speaking, this is a REVOLUTIONARY TEACHING which embraces the fields of PSYCHOLOGY, PHILOSOPHY, SCIENCE and RELIGION, to mention only a few, and is Spiritually transforming the mind and illuminating the understanding of mankind in regards to his religious concept of God. It teaches mankind his true, inseparable relationship with God and the Universe of which he is a part thereof. Do not be deceived. This teaching is definitely supported by a DIVINE PATTERN or PLAN, descriptively stipulated in the Holy Bible and discreetly confirmed by the Lord God, Himself, His Universal Creation, the Law and the Prophets, Jesus Christ and the Apostles and, in part, by modern science.

Our aim here is to lead YOU, step by step, to an indisputable, profound KNOWLEDGE of God and a permanent, conscientious realization of His EVER PRESENCE abiding within YOU, and an UNDERSTANDING of His MANIFESTATIONS throughout the Universe in which we live, move and have our being. We MUST REALIZE the direct course of procedure by which God chose to make Himself KNOWN to mankind, which is as follows:

(1) We must REALIZE that "GOD IS A SPIRIT" (John 4:24), hence, "He is Invisible" (Col. 1:15).



It cannot be reiterated too strongly how vitally important it is for you, the reader, and me, the writer, to realize and know that "ALL SCRIPTURE" is given by the inspiration of God (2 Tim. 3:16). It is also important that we thoroughly understand the meaning of the "Inspiration of God" or, all scripture was written by the power of God to manifest Himself, the Creation and His Purpose through VISIONS and REVELATIONS. Moses and the Prophets told what they saw and heard God say in their visions by means of writing; these writings are called "THE SCRIPTURES" (John 5:39). these visions reveal God in the REALM OF ETERNITY and manifest His activities in the past, present and future. They disclose the entire purpose of God from Alpha to Omega.

Also bear in mind and remember that we must KNOW the difference between one Age and the other, the difference between one Dispensation and the other. The following definitions of an Age and Dispensation were taken from a Webster's dictionary.

AGE—A particular period or time of history, as distinguished from another; A historial epoch...

DISPENSATION—(a) The divine ordering of the affairs of the world. (b) An appointment or arrangement as by God. (c) A divinely appointed order or system; ...

An example - The Ages are in the following order.

The Ages





(5) THE KINGDOM Insert non-formatted text here (AGES)

(6) THE PERFECT Insert non-formatted text here (TO)

(7) THE SABBATHNICAL Insert non-formatted text here (COME)

The SABBATH is "THE DAY OF GOD," the Seventh Day or "THE DAY" before the eighth (8th) or the beginning of another series of Ages. It is necessary to mention here that God is ETERNAL. It is also necessary that you do as the Apostle Paul advised Timothy: "Study (the Scriptures) to shew himself approved of God, rightly dividing (the Dispensations and Ages or) the word of TRUTH, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed" (2 Tim. 2:15). Learn to correctly divide the Dispensations.

An example - The Dispensations are in the following order:

The Dispensations








A Chronological Error of 4 Years

Now we can see that from 4004 B.J. to 196I A.D. we have a total chronological period of time 5965 A.M. (or the year of the world) to calculate all Prophetic intervals or Periods and the fulfillment of all events to date, including the 4 years error of Chronological calculation made by Dionysius Exquus, in the sixth century A.D. That is to say, he made the mistake of 4 years, which means that Jesus was 4 years old before the date of A.D. 1 actually began. See Bible Dictionary F.N. and M.A. Peloubet, page 307.

B.J. stands for, before the birth of Jesus, not before the birth of Christ, because He (Christ) was in the Bosom of the Father in the Beginning-John 1:1, 18).


(See Chart on Dispensations and Ages)

4000 B.J. = Years before the birth of Jesus

1965 A.D. = Years from birth of Jesus to present time

5965 A.M. = Or years of world, or to present time


4004 B.J. = As calculated by Dionysius Exquus

1961 A.D. = Should be 1965 A.D.

5965 A.M. = Or years of world, or to present time

A Chronological Error of 33 Years

There is also another chronological error in the calculation of time in the closing of the Post-Diluvian Age and the opening of the Present Age. For example, the Post-Diluvian Age reaches from the Flood to Pentecost or A.D. 33 1/2 or 34, instead of from the Flood to the birth of Jesus. See Chronological chart page 122.

"FOR ALL THE PROPHETS AND THE LAW prophesied until John" (Matt. 11:13). "Think not that I am come to destroy the LAW, or the PROPHETS: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. For verily I say unto you TILL HEAVEN and EARTH PASS, ONE JOT OR ONE TITTLE SHALL IN NO WISE PASS FROM THE LAW TILL ALL BE FILLFILLED" (Matt. 5:17,18).


(See Chart on Dispensations and Ages pages 6 and 7)

4033 B.J. = Years from Eden to Pentecost

1932 A.D. = Years from Pentacost to Present Time

5965 A.M. = Total years from Eden to Present Time


4000 = Years to birth of Jesus

1965 = Years from birth of Jesus

5965 = Total years

1965 = Years from birth of Jesus to Present Time

- 33 = Years of total life span of Jesus

1932 Years = correct time from Pentecost to Present Time - 1961.

The Correct Calculation of Time Consisting of the Ante-Diluvian Age, Post-Diluvian Age and Present Age

1656 = Years from Eden to Flood

2377 = Years from the Flood to Pentecost

1932 = Years from Pentecost to Present Time

5965 = Total years from Eden to Present Time

How to Calculate Prophetic Time

"TO THE LAW AND TO THE TESTIMONY: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is NO LIGHT IN THEM" (Isa. 8:20).


TO THE LAW: Numbers 14:34

"After the number of the days in which ye searched the land, even forty days, each day for a year, shall ye bear your iniquities, even forty years, and ye shall know my breach of promise."

TO THE PROPHETS: Ezekiel 4:6

"And when thou hast accomplished them, lie again on thy right side, and thou shalt bear the iniquity of the house of Judah forty days: I have appointed thee each day for a year." For Example:

40 days = 40 years

7 days = 7 years or

7x7 =49 years or

70x7 = 490 years (Dan.9:24)

Zeros are added and subtracted in many instances.

How to Calculate Time with the Lord--Not Man



As shown in the illustration, page 19, the six solar days, which the Phenominal Cloud stood over Mount Sinai, with Moses in the Midst of the Cloud, witnessing the creation by means of a Vision. This would make the six days of creation as six thousand years with the Lord, for on the Seventh Day He Rested.

TO THE PROPHETS: Psalms 90:4

"For a thousand years in thy (Lord's) sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night."

Verification by 2 Peter 3:8, "But beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day." (Not 1001 years multiplied by 4 making a total of 4004 - see Biblical Chronology).

For Example:

4000 B.J.

+ 2000 A.D.

= 6000 Years

The Comparison of the Sacred and Civil Calendar


The Jewish year being strictly lunar, and the day of the new moon common to the preceding and succeeding month, the correspondences with our month vary in different years, according to the intercalation. Generally speaking, the months appended below to the Jewish are to be taken with ten days (or less) of the preceding month; but sometimes the overrunning is the other way. For example, according to the present calendar of the Jews, the first of Nisan fell on March 21 in 1882, but on April 8 in 1883.

NOTE: The Jewish year contains 354 days, or 12 lunations of the moon; but in a cycle of 19 years an intercalary month (Veadar) is seven time introduced to render the average length of the year nearly correct.

Hence, this accounts for a difference of 243 years between the Civil A.M. (year of the World) and the Sacred year, or 5965 A.M. minus 5722 A.M. (Sacred year) as of 1961 A.D. (see page 123, in Volume 2, on "The Prophetic Birth Of The Messiah And His Work").

Months: Jewish Calendar

The Present Dispensational Peril of the Jew

To the Physical Israelite, Hebrew, or Jew, the majority of these people today dogmatically insist and contend that there is but one (Monotheistic) God, which we entirely agree is TRUE; and His name which is not commonly known by the Gentiles, or Christendom, is "Yahvah" (see iluustration of names and the meaning of the names on pages 12 through 13).

(In the illustrations on pages 14 and 15, taken from the book published by Life Magazine, entitled "The World's Great Religions", we can readily see why the Jew rejects the name Christ, which is derived from the Hindo, idol god, Krishna. The ancient Hindus worshipped the Sun as a visible representative of the invisible God called Kris. In their religion Krishna was a personification of the Sun).

Furthermore, many of the Jews today, do not believe, even as they DID NOT believe over 1900 years ago, that "Yahshuah", the Messiah, had already come. Elsewhere shown in this book is the proof of His visitation, proving by the scriptures His fulfillment of the Law and the Prophets (see Matt. 5:17), and in showing this proof, we have used the names most familiar to the World in regards to Him, that name as applied to Him, being "Jesus Christ".

For the Jew not to recognize this visitation, is a very serious mistake, for the very writing which he declares were "Yahvah's" gift unto him, were contained in the Law of Moses, and the Prophets. These writings decidely pointed to, “Yahshuah", or the Messiah, who fulfilled every JOT and TITTLE contained therein.

Furthermore, because of his (the Jew's) non-acceptance, or rejection of the Messiah "Yahshuah", or, - even his failure in not continuing to offer the Sacrifice of BLOOD FOR THE ATONEMENT as required by the Mosaic Law (see Lev. 9:7, 16:34), he is still, even today, in the depths of his SINS. It is through the BLOOD of the Paschal Lamb, the Passover, and the Sacrifices thereafter continued under the Mosaic Law, that typified or foreshadowed the BLOOD of Yahshuah, the Messiah, that we, both Jew and Gentile, have received the TRUE ATONEMENT.

The Rabbinical Jews, Hebrews, or Israelites, of today, definitely and POSITIVELY KNOW, that they are still subject to the Ordinances of the Mosaic Law, that is, if they continue to deny the Blood of the Messiah, for without the SHEDDING OF BLOOD according to the Law, there can be no remission of their SINS. This is strictly true, as referred to the DAILY Sacrifices and the Day of Atonement, which as a rule, the Jew still recognizes, but fails to offer the proper Sacrifices, according to the Law.

The failure of the Jew to accept the true Messiah can be explained by taking his own Scriptures and show how God spoke through the Prophets of their disobedience, carrying out His Purpose throughout the Dispensations and Ages, even to this present time. We quote,

"Let their table become a snare before them: and that which should have been for their welfare, let it become a trap. Let their eyes be darkened, that they see not; and make their loins continually to shake" (Psa. 69:22, 23). "Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? nay, they were not at all ashamed neither could they blush: therefore shall they fall among them that fall: in the time of their visitation they shall be cast down, saith the Lord" - Yahvah (Jer. 8:12).

However, in the compilation of this book, we have used the names God, instead of (1) "Yahvah" and Jesus Christ, instead of (2) "Yahshuah", the true Messiah. Our Bibles, be they Douay or King James version or otherwise, containing what is called the Old Testament and so-called New Testament, were translated God, the Father and the Son, Jesus Christ from the original Hebrew writings of the Law (Pentateuch) and Prophets and so-called New Testament writings, that used the names Yahvah and Yahshuah as the True Divinely Revealed names (see Chart on page 11).

"Yahvah", or God, in His foreknowledge was able to make the following statements, for He knew what the Jew would do, and in so doing (the breaking of the Commandments) He (God) did sever or break some of them off from salvation because of THEIR UNBELIEF in Yahshuah, or the Messiah (see John 15: 1, 2). However, we are told that "Yahvah", or God, will graft the Jews into their own olive tree AGAIN, that is, if they CONTINUE NOT IN "UNBELIEF" (see Rom. 11: 22, 23).

Paul is writing of his grief or sorrow for Israel in Romans 9:4-6 thusly: "Who are Israelites; to whom pertaineth the adoption, and the glory, and the Covenants, and the giving of the Law, and the service of God (Yahvah), and the Promises; Whose are the fathers, and of whom as concerning the flesh (Yahshuah) Christ came, who is over all, God (Yahvah) BLESSED FOR EVER. A-MEN. Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. FOR THEY ARE NOT ALL ISRAEL, WHICH ARE OF ISRAEL:"

Paul speaking to the Gentiles, concerning the Jews that were broken off, and of the Gentiles that were grafted in, said in Romans 11:24-27, "For if thou (the Gentiles) wert cut out of the olive tree which is wild by nature, and wert graffed contrary to NATURE into a good olive tree: how much more shall these (the Jews), which be the NATURAL BRANCHES, be graffed into their own olive tree? For I would not, brethren, THAT YE SHOULD BE IGNORANT OF THIS MYSTERY, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, UNTIL THE FULNESS OF THE GENTILES BE COME IN. AND SO ALL ISRAEL SHALL BE SAVED: AS IT IS WRITTEN, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob: For THIS IS MY COVENANT UNTO THEM, WHEN I SHALL TAKE AWAY THEIR SINS".

The Fulness of the Gentiles DID COME IN, according to the Promise in A.D. 40, or when they first began to receive the Holy Ghost (see Acts 10th, 11th and 15th chapters).

That which is a Jew outwardly is not one inwardly, but the Gentile which is grafted in BY FAITH has become the True (Spiritual) Jew, as explained in Romans 2:28, 29 thusly: "For HE IS NOT A JEW, WHICH IS ONE OUTWARDLY: NEITHER IS THAT CIRCUMCISION, WHICH IS OUTWARD IN THE FLESH: BUT HE IS A JEW, WHICH IS ONE INWARDLY; and CIRCUMCISION IS THAT OF THE HEART, IN THE SPIRIT, and NOT IN THE LETTER; Whose PRAISE IS NOT OF MEN, BUT OF GOD" (YAHVAH).

"Until the Fulness of the Gentile be Come In" (see Rom. 11: 25), IS NOT TO BE CONFUSED with "The Times of The Gentiles Be Fulfilled" (see Luke 21:24), because the times of the Gentiles began in 604 B.J., when Nebuchadnezzar began to rule the World, and will not be fulfilled or ended until "Yahshuah", or the Messiah appears again, or the second time, without SIN UNTO SALVATION to Judge the World in Righteousness, and then "ALL ISRAEL WILL BE SAVED" (see Acts 10:42; 2 Tim. 4:1-8 and 1 Thess. 4:16, 17).

The Sacred Names

The Sacred Records

God, Abraham and Moses in Relation to the Children of Israel

The Vision of the Three-Fold Archetypical Pattern in Relation to the Three-Fold Tangible Sanctuary

The Theory of the Original or Pre-Adamic Earth

The Esoteric Secret and Profound Mystery of God Revealed to the Apostles

The Universal Ontological Argumentation in Favor of the Existence of a Supreme Being

The Basic Teaching of the New Psychology

Failure of the Modern--New Psychological Religions

Comparative Exegetical Analysis

Condensed Summary of the Visions of Moses and the Apostle John in Comparative Analysis, or Apostolic Confirmation of the Creation of the Old and of the New Heaven and Earth, As Pertaining to the Purpose of God

Arrow No. 1 Compared to Arrow No. 1A

Arrow No. 2 Compared to Arrow No. 2A

Arrow No. 3 Compared to Arrow No. 3A

The Paschal Lamb Compared to Jesus Christ--Arrow No. 4

Arrow No. 5 Compared to Arrow No. 5A

Arrow No. 6 Compared to Arrow No. 6A

The Number Seven (7) Denotes Perfection

The Number Seven in Jewish Theology Denotes Perfection

The Hundred and Fourty and Four Thousand

Is There Life After Death?