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  • Def: Infallible 1. absolutely trustworthy or sure; 2. unfailing in effectiveness or operation; certain; 3. not fallible; exempt from liability to error, as persons, their judgment, or pronouncements; 4. Roman Catholic Church. immune from fallacy or liability to error in expounding matters of faith or morals by virtue of the promise made by Christ to the Church; 5. Incapable of error; failing; certain; [Origin: 1375–1425; late ME < ML infallibilis. See in-3, fallible]; —Synonyms acceptable, accurate, agreeable, apodictic, authoritative, certain, correct, effective, effectual, efficacious, efficient, exact, faultless, flawless, foolproof, handy, helpful, impeccable, incontrovertible, inerrable, inerrant, omniscient, perfect, positive, reliable, satisfactory, satisfying, sure, surefire, true, trustworthy, unbeatable, undeceivable, unerring, unfailing, unimpeachable, unquestionable, useful. Unabridged